Why Can’t I Find What Brings Me Joy?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by indecision or struggled to find something that truly sparks joy? Maybe you have many interests but nothing that ignites true passion like other people seem to have. If you want to find your passion, you have to become a passionate person and in order to do this you need to change the beliefs that are holding you back from being a passionate person. And luckily, if you’re honest with yourself, you can change them in an instant! If this resonates, this post is for you. Please note that I will be using passion, joy, and highest excitement interchangeably because they are all, in essence, the same.

1. Limiting Beliefs & Illusions

First, we cannot change our reality without first looking at our beliefs. Our beliefs dictate how we operate, feel, think and thus are essential in creating our reality. If we can change our beliefs surrounding passion, we can more easily access this emotion. Yes, passion is an emotional state (feeling), which means anyone can have it.

It is an illusion that everyone has a passion except you. If you’re on social media, I’m sure this illusion has been fully indoctrinated into your subconscious as a belief. Another illusion is that people who have passions have discovered their life purpose, and you are behind in life because you haven’t found yours. 

I had a revelation on this exact topic three years ago when I started feeling passionate about aliens. Yes, aliens! All I wanted to do was talk to anyone who would listen about all the things I was learning about alien spacecraft, encounters, and contact so everyone else could feel what I felt. It got me thinking about people in my life who have a passion. A prime example for me is my older sister. Around 5+ years ago, she took a liking to bees. She learned all about bees, why they are essential to our environment, and how they are so misunderstood. She felt connected with the species and got excited whenever a bee landed close to her to say "hello." Shortly after, my sister would start receiving bee-adorned gifts from friends and family for years to come: bee shirts, bee sunglasses, bee jewelry, bee tea towels, bee sweaters, bee books. Basically, when you saw a bee, you thought of my sister. I realized that my sister would be considered a passionate person because of how excited she gets about things she's interested in, even if she doesn’t know everything about them yet. She enjoys sharing her knowledge so that other people will feel excited too. She is truly passionate about being passionate. The key to developing passion is actually just feeling very confident in your love for something. After I realized my sister was simply confident in her likes and dislikes, I started a little experiment. I started posting on social media about aliens. Soon enough, I started getting people (even people I hadn’t talked to in ages) sending me posts about alien sightings because they “thought of me.” Soon after that, I started to receive alien books, alien cards, alien decor, etc!

If you experience imposter syndrome, it might be hard for you to feel passionate about something you're unsure of. Imposter syndrome involves the fear of being exposed as a fraud. If this sounds like you, this belief might be holding you back. You're waiting for an overwhelming intuitive feeling to pursue a passion or decide what to do next. The truth is, if you’ve suppressed your intuition for years, it might not be as strong as you hope, thus making it hard to find the feeling you're looking for. 

2. Allowing yourself to experience JOY

Now that we understand that beliefs dictate your reality and passion is just a feeling, we can move into the most important topic: joy. How do you know if you like something? Joy. How do you know if you’re going down th right path? Joy. How do I know if I’m making the “right” decision? Joy. 

Following your excitement is quite simple but we tend to complicate things to make them feel exclusive and unattainable (misery loves company). Society has actually told us there are certain steps to obtain happiness and as it turns, it was actually the biggest lie we’ve ever been told. Go to school, get a job, make money, create a family, die. By following any kind of standards or expectations that don't feel right, we are staying in a lower vibration, making it harder to experience joy! (oh, the irony)

3. Taking your INTUITION seriously

Earlier I mentioned that you may be waiting for an overwhelming feeling to make a decision. Here’s the truth: that feeling exists and it's called intuition. The people that seem to just know how they’re feeling or what they want are making decisions based on an emotional inner compass—and it’s their intuition.

Your intuition, just like any language, is actually a form of communication that you can strengthen over time with practice. But before you give up because you think it’s going to take too much time to master, it’s actually pretty simple. In fact, I was able to feel the effects of strengthening my intuition tenfold in literally a week. The catch is, in order to strengthen your intuition, you must go against everything you’ve been told since birth lol. Just kidding. But honestly, strengthening your intuition, which is the communication to your higher self, is pretty simple. Notice what activities make you feel good, energized, and/or fulfilled and continue to act on them.

Here’s why action breeds more joy: Action is the language of our physical reality. In short, if you don't act on your highest excitement, you're not showing your higher mind that you've received and acknowledged its communication. This inaction signals that you're not listening, so your higher mind has no reason to send more guidance.

So, in every moment, when you have the option to choose what to do, always choose your highest excitement. Even if it’s only 1% more joyful than you would feel doing something else. If you have a 20-minute break from work and going for a walk in the park would bring you the most joy in that moment, do that. We want to believe that joy and passion is this grandiose thing like taking a month-long vacation in the Bahamas or quitting our job to live off the grid in the mountains, but it doesn’t have to be if that doesn't feel right. Joy can live in the little moments that eventually lead us to the big moments. 

How can I find my passion?

In conclusion, you find your passion by choosing your highest excitement at any given moment and being passionate about being passionate! Allow yourself to get excited about something you don't feel fully confident in! The more you act on joy, the more you communicate with your higher self that you are listening to it's communication, thus strengthening your connection with the universe/divine/god. The more connected you are to the universe, the more abundance you attract!